Marco A. Gutiérrez


Introduction to ROS and Gazebo Workshop

ROS-I Asia Pacific Workshop 2020 - Roadmap Update: Ignition & ROS2

State of the Source 2020: The role of open source in education:

a case study with robotics and AI

Python Introduction: Master all the Basics

FOSSASIA Academy with Open Technologies, Science Labs & Robots

Data Science Workhop: hacking OKcupid through data analysis

Learn How To Build Your Own Self-Driving Car

FOSSASIA 2018, Workshop: LearnBot 2.0: Build your own robot and learn with it!

FOSSASIA 2017: LearnBot, the open source robot for education

FOSSASIA 2016: OpenDetection

Grumpy gits, Workshop: Gutting .git: What’s git really made of?

Google Summer of Code 2013: RoboComp Org Admin