Marco A. Gutiérrez


Lanes Detection for Self Driving Cars 02 Oct 2018 Computer Vision Presentation for Self Driving Cars given at upcode academy This is the presentation of the first course in computer vision for self driving cars by upcode academy. To...
NVIDIA® Jetson™ Developer Challenge 01 May 2018 Just won Merit Award at the NVIDIA® Jetson™ Developer Challenge with my “Jetson Artificial Hippocampus” for autonomous robots project. Here is the abstract of the work: Current state-of-the-art social robots...
Perceptive Parallel Processes Coordinating Geometry and Texture 02 Jan 2017 Finding and classifying specific objects is a key part in most of the tasks autonomous systems could face. Properly being able to reach objects and find their exact location is...
Git Repository Visualization with gource 16 Jul 2015 I just build this cool visualization of the RoboComp framework using gource. Took me a while to get the whole repo into something that can be visualized and doesn’t take...